Welcome to the first series of My Warrior Cats Series. It's about 4 clans who survive in the wild, StoneClan, PineClan, BreezeClan, And StreamClan.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Chapter 3

Dawnpaw got up and started to walk back to camp with Lionclaw from the gathering. Once we reached the plains, Lionclaw started walking in a different direction from the camp.

"Wait, Where are we going?!" Dawnpaw asked.

"We are going to train hunting, Then fighting" Lionclaw said.

"Okay.." Dawnpaw said.

Lionclaw stopped at a tree, It was suppose to be the only tree in BreezeClan territory, Where most apprentices train.

"Okay, So first crouch down, Then make sure you don't scare your prey, Don't get to close or you will scare it away. Then you stalk up to it, and at the right time, you pounce and make sure you trap it in your paws, then bite down on it, Now watch me" Lionclaw said.

Lionclaw scented the air, walked a bit away, then crouched down. He stalked up to about a fox length, Then leaped and trapped the prey in his massive paws, Then bit down.

"You try now" Lionclaw ordered.

Dawnpaw sniffed the air and crouched down fast. She stalked up but a little to close and scared the mouse away.

"Aww..." Dawnpaw sighed.

"Try again" Lionclaw said.

Dawnpaw did the same again but stalked up to a fox length. Then leaped and trapped it into her paws. Then bit down. She picked up the mouse and dropped it over by Lionclaws paws.

"Good job, Now fighting" Lionclaw said as her backed up and pushed the mouse aside.

"You always let your opponent make the first move, If they won't, You have to taunt them. But if you go first, Your move will always be pin probably, Now attack me, But with claws sheathed" Lionclaw said.

Dawnpaw leaped high into the air and pinned down Lionclaw as she swiped her sheathed paws across his eyes, pretending to temporarily blind him. He knocked her off and sent her flying sideways. She got up and rammed into his side and swiped a paw across his side and back. Lionclaw swiped her away with a paw.

"Good enough for today" Lionclaw said as he picked up the mouse and padded away,k with a nod of his head.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I was wondering if you could link my blog, "RainbowRider's Mini Stories, Essays, and Reports!" Just follow the link below to check it out.
    (I'll be sure to link you back.)
